Online marketing coaching
Learn how to continuously improve your website or e-business in design, marketing and SEO.

Online Marketing Coaching
Modern website builders make it relatively easy to launch a website. Websites and online shops are so quickly created. But how can you make the website successful?
The offers must be made known with ads and the website and the offer must be constantly optimized and adapted to the customer. Thanks to today's analytics and tracking tools, you can test everything and collect enough data to find out what works and what doesn't.
We help you to optimize the following things live on screen:
Google Ads
Youtube ads
Social Media Ads
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Optimize and test website or online shop (A/B testen)
Google Analytics
In a coaching we accompany your website and online marketing strategy. You will also learn important skills that you can apply to all your future projects.
Oure Kunden habe in der Regel bereits eine Website erstellt und wollen durch das Coaching lernen wie Sie die Website weiter optimieren and can apply.
Which questions can we answer in the online Marketing Coaching ?
We roughly divide our coaching sessions into diese 4 topics:
siterevise and test together (design, structure and functionality)
SEO Coaching (search engine optimization)
Facebook & InstagramAd's coaching
Google Ads coaching
Of course, we also answer general questions such as Google Analytics, domain names, etc.
Please write us when booking what your main concerns are.
Who is Online Marketing Coaching intended for?
The online marketing coaching is aimed at all those who want to manage their website themselves and don't want to simply hand over online marketing to someone else.
As a rule, our coaching participants have already started a website themselves and would now like to learn how to further expand and improve the website or your e-business.
About me
Andreas has developed 100+ projects in WIX, Wordpress and Shopify and is today official partner of WIX.com and the Wordpress Astra Pro Theme. Since 2018 I've been self-employed in online marketing and have been able to accompany many interesting projects during this time.
In addition to my work as an online marketing coach and the web agency, I also run my own online shops with various partners . I have successfully tested everything I pass on in my coaching sessions beforehand.
Every day I deal with online marketing and web design and therefore know all current trends and developments. My coaching clients benefit from all the experience I have gained over the past few years.

Procedure des Online Marketing Coachings
1. Booking the Coaching appointment
You can book a free appointment for the coaching online right here. You can see which dates are still available in the calendar. When booking, you can write down the most important questions so that I already know what it is about,
After booking I will bookmanually in an email. Since I Dwant to check a request first to make sure I DI'm sure I can help, it can take up to 24 hours before I can send you a confirmation.
2. Invitation by email 1 hour before
About 1 hour before our coaching appointment, I will send you another email with the link to our virtual meeting in Zoom. This email will be sent automatically.
3. Live coaching via Zoom
The coaching takes place per Zoom.

Online Marketing Coaching Prices
Your investment:
Mindestdauer für das Online Marketing Coaching sind 60 Minuten: CHF 140.-
Danach rechne ich im 1/4 Stundentakt ab: CHF 35.- / 1/4 Stunde
The first 60 minutes must be transferred when booking. We will bill you for the remaining time after the end of the call.
Longer coaching packages
For longer coaching sessions of more than 4 hours, I offer discounts or package prices.
Please take beforeContactup with me.
Good preparation is important to me. Therefore, be sure to ask me your most urgent questions when booking. Technical development is rapid and there are new tools and uses every day. Should I not answer one of your questions know an immediate answer, and need more time for clarification, I will definitely let you know. The time for the research is not counted towards the coaching time,