Bring your project online!
Mentoring, consulting and implementation for your digital success.


Bring your project online!
What I can help with

some of my clients

My perfect website templatefor freedownload
Are you also concerned with one of these questions?
I have a great offer but II don't know how to apply it online.
I want to create a website but I don't knowHow or with what should I create a website.
I've invested in Google Ads before thoughwould like to have it set up professionally.
I already have a website but it just generatestoo few customers.
I havemany website visitors but still no inquiries or purchases.
My Facebook and Instagram ads deliver thoughmany clicks but no customers.
Here's how I can help you.
Do you also want such results?
That's what some of my customers say.
Die Webseite entspricht unseren Vorstellungen, wir sind begeistert. Innert kürzester Zeit wurden unsere Wünsche und Anliegen umgesetzt. Mit Online-Meetings konnten die laufenden Arbeiten besprochen und angepasst werden.
Wir werden bei weiteren Projekten auf jeden Fall wieder auf die Agentur Bruun zukommen. Herzlichen Dank Andreas Bruun!

Beatrice Emmenegger
Emmenegger & Züllig GmbH
Hiring Andreas was one of the best investments of 2020. Thanks to this know-how I managed to drive more traffic to my site and easily earn back what I spent.
Absolutely. I started paying less for more clicks than I did when I set Google Ads up myself. I feel that happy knowing that everything is set up correctly and doing its job so that I don’t have to worry about it.

Phil Schiller
Phils Conversation
Mir hat die Zusammenarbeit mit Herr Bruun sehr viel Freude bereitet.
Herr Bruun half mir mehrmals mit den Facebook- Werbeanzeigen, die ich jetzt viel besser verstehe. Immer wenn ich ein Problem hatte, war mir Herr Bruun sehr schnell mit Rat und Tat behilflich. Sollte ich wieder Schwierigkeiten mit Facebook haben oder neue Fragen, dann werde ich mich wieder bei Herrn Bruun melden. Ich kann ihn weiterempfehlen und bin wirklich sehr dankbar, dass ich ihn kennengelernt habe. Er ist sehr zuverlässig, professionell und freundlich. Vielen herzlichen Dank für die großartige Zusammenarbeit!

Linda Marzetta
I help companies with online marketing
Every company today needs an online presence – that is clear. However, it is often difficult for small businesses to keep up with technical innovations. First of all, small businesses naturally have a smaller budget than a large company. Secondly, there are no employees available for implementation and support. After all, you have to take care of day-to-day business. A website and online presence is a crucial marketing component to get new orders. We'll help you!
Another core offer is the promotion of existing websites and online shops via the Google search networks and via social media channels.
I can help you build a new website or optimize the existing website.
We then advertise the website with targeted online advertising campaigns and help you to convert website visitors into paying customers.
Are you ready to take the first step?

Andrew Bruun